Tango from Japan by Anna Saeki

The Japanese singer Anna Saeki discovered her love for Argentinian tango many years ago. Together with the orchestras of Raúl Garello and Nicolás Ledesma as well as with the Alejandro Schwartz Trio she has recorded two CDs with her favourite tango titles. The first CD is dedicated to the tango clásico, the second one to the tango moderno. Songs like "Malena", "La cumparsita" and "Chiquilín de bachín" receive a special charm by the subtle interpretations of Saeki, or like Horacio Ferrer puts it: "La voz de Anna Saeki es como si fuera un perfume!" (Anna Saeki’s voice is like a perfume). There is a Spanish as well as a Japanese version of "El día que me quieras".

Tango clásico y moderno

Manolito y su Trabuco and Klimax
Bachata and Merengue DVDs


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Tuesday, 22 October 2024