Bajofondo: Mar Dulce

This is the new release by Bajofondo, which has been eagerly awaited by all friends of Electrotango. Tango meets Candombe, Milonga, Electro and Hip-Hop, and an exciting composition of rhythms and sounds emerges, which turns out to be harmonious. The list of artists involved in the project is also fascinating: Ryota Komatsu, Elvis Costello, Mala Rodríguez, Nelly Furtado and Lágrima Ríos, together with the Argentinian and Uruguayan musicians of Bajofondo, enchant the audience of "Mar Dulce".

CD Mar Dulce by Bajofondo in our shop

Juan Carlos Cáceres: Utopia
DVD "Más Tango"


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Saturday, 27 July 2024